

95公斤,2014年8月3日,山东鲁能外援费莱尼在个人微博上公布了他的体重——95公斤! 费莱尼原籍为摩洛哥,2010年加盟英冠联赛的利兹联队,2012年转会至英超的切尔西足球俱乐部。

2014年7月,费莱尼加盟中超新军山东鲁能,身披25号战袍。费莱尼身高1米97,体重95公斤,是一名防守型的后腰。 此前有传闻称费莱尼体重达到了101.6公斤,但这样的数据并没有得到本人的证实。

费莱尼微博原文如下:“Here we go again...my old friends at the BBC had me down as 101.6kg on their website. After a lot of questioning they were nice enough to remove the weight from their website, but it stays in newspapers & on this video for all eternity!!Anyway he who dares wins, right?I’m coming to China to play football and have a good time with my new team mates& fans. I hope you can all welcome me with open arms into your wonderful country. I am truly excited about joining Shandong Luneng and can’t wait to get started.”
